I just love this little brown eyed boy!! Oh!! I could just take a big bite out of him, he is so sweet!! It was such an honor and privilege to be asked to shoot his big day! And I wouldn't have missed it for the world!! After all I was there for his grand entrance into this world, I NEEDED to be there for his 1st birthday! LOVE HIM!! His momma did a fantastic job getting the party all put together, I was VERY impressed as this was her very 1st birthday to prepare for, and as all of us mommas know, we don't mess around here in this town when it comes to birthdays!! She rose to the occasion and proved her self worthy of the task!! I gotta tell y'all, this little man is so observant, he is always scanning the room and taking everything and everyone in. I can almost see his wheels turning as he contemplates all that is going on around him. Also I have NEVER seen a 1 year old so absorbed in the gift opening process. I've been to a lot of birthdays, both as a guest and as a photographer, ( I was blessed to be both at this one) and most little ones kinda don't care about the gifts. Don't get me wrong, the gift PAPER may fascinate them , or the BOX is a super special treat, but the gifts....they can kinda take them or leave them. This little man literally inspected each and every one, touching, feeling, tasting. It was crazy awesome!! LOVE IT!!And I absolutely LOVED his face first dive into his cup cake! Preciousness!! Here are just a few pics to enjoy from his special day, don't forget to click on the collages to proceed to the gallery!
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