Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sweet Little Sister!!!

Once again I just about missed this special delivery! Really folks,  I AM a Labor and Delivery nurse, AND I didn't become one just last Tues!  I should know by now that these little bundles of joy come when they are ready and that i don't REALLY have plenty of time to get there like I think I do....geez!!! But I guess when I get to take off my nurse hat and just put on my photog gear I forget.  Anyway,  apparently I was getting updated through grandma "Gigi" who was getting updates from her daughter who wasn't even the one in labor!! Whew, confused yet?!? Well no worries,  I got there just in time!!! YAY!! This delivery was truly special to see as this was baby girl number three for this family and as I am from a family of three girls and my momma was also one of three girls it was so much fun to see that in this family too.  You see THIS momma is one of three girls too!! I happen to have it on good authority that this baby was a bit of a surprise which also made this kinda fun too....because MY family knows an awful lot about surprises. See my parents waited patiently for a baby for many years and when the Lord answered their prayers he did it a bit unconventionally,  first with the adoption of my big sister and then about 6 years later with the adoption of me.. But that's not really the surprise I'm talking about, you see the VERY DAY AFTER my parents brought me home,  a tiny three week old baby, my mom got a phone call from her Dr telling he had finally figured out why she hadn't been feeling very well. Turns out she was perfectly fine,  and would be totally back to normal in about 8 months time when she delivered the baby she was carrying!!!! You read that right she was PREGNANT!!! Now that folks is a SURPRISE!!! So fast forward 8 months later and my parents welcomed baby girl number three just like this sweet family did! See, God always has the very BEST of surprises!!! Congrats to this sweet family,  I know this is just the beginning of all the sweet surprises they have in store for them with a house full of girls!! Y'all stay tuned for the newborn shoot,  its coming up next and one of my favs!!!

Click on the pic to proceed to the gallery!

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